High Rise apartment project in Maldives in 2018

broadwayglass.us     2018-11-04     1261

We met this client in the Big5 Dubai exhibition 2017. They’re very satisfied with the quality of our samples. And soon they invited us to do job-site measurement and discuss solutions in Maldives.

As Maldives is surrounded by sea, so the requirement of stainless steel is relatively high. When our clients placed the order, the quantity of 316 s.s glass shower door is not that large. The clients had asked many factories before, but they can only provide 304s.s. However we can provide 316s.s for them, as more than 80% of our orders with stainless steel are 316s.s and usually we have some 316 s.s standard products in stock. So only we can provide it.  

When the goods arrived the jobsite, our clients invited us to do jobsite installation instruction. Therefore our professional team came there with pleasure and working with them for more than 1 week. They’re pleased with our patience and efficiencies as well as professionalism on instructing their worker to do installation.Once finish the installation, they come to our showroom and factory to talk about  2 bigger projects.Thanks for the trust of our clients.



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